Maxwell : FastX3 on Display nodes - Linux

Note: currently only and are running FastX3. For all other display nodes please refer to the FastX instructions.

Installing and using the FastX3 client

  1. visit Downloads DESYcloud. Login with your DESY account. Without a DESY account you won't be able to access Maxwell anyway.
  2. click on the desycloud link next to the starnet entry. If you get to an empty page, just reload the page.
  3. go to StarNet_FastX3/client/3.2 (or the highest version listed) and download the linux tarball:
    1. FastX3-*.rhel7.x86_64.tar.gz is a tarball for Linux, works also for Ubuntu or Debian (possibly requiring some additional packages)
  4. FastX3/FastX3  to launch the client

Almost all dependencies of the client should already be installed on standard Ubuntu desktops, maybe for the exception of libpng16-16. If that's missing just install it via software center or sudo.

The configuration of the FastX3 client is almost identical to the configuration under Windows:

Click on Open Connections

Add the connections details, omit "https://"

Click on '+' and launch XFCE4


fastx3-1.png (image/png)
fastx3-2.png (image/png)
fastx3-3.png (image/png)
fastx3-4.png (image/png)
fastx-xfce.png (image/png)
display configuration (application/gliffy+json)
display configuration.png (image/png)
display configuration.html (text/html)
FASTX_NOVA_instructions_V3.pdf (application/pdf)
FASTX_NOVA_instructions_V4.pdf (application/pdf)
fastx3-l3.png (image/png)
fastx3-l2.png (image/png)
fastx3-l1.png (image/png)