Maxwell : Documentation

the Maxwell-Cluster is a resource dedicated to parallel and multi-threaded application, which can use at least some of the specific characteristics. In addition to serving as a medium scale High-Performance-Cluster, Maxwell incorporates resources for Photon Science data analysis, resources of CFEL, CSSB, Petra4, the European XFEL...

The Maxwell-Cluster is composed of core partitions (maxcpu, maxgpu, short) and group specific partitions.

The Maxwell-Cluster is primarily intended for parallel computation making best use of the multi-core architectures, the infiniband low-latency network, fast storage and available memory. Information how to get access to the cluster can be found here or get started.

The entire cluster is managed by SLURM scheduler. Different rules apply to different partitions. SeeĀ Partitions and Access pages for details.

  • To get started, please have a look at the Getting Started page!
  • TheĀ Compute infrastructure page provides a list of currently available nodes & configurations.
  • The Partitions page provides a quick overview of the nodes, capacities, features and limits of the individual partitions.

Read the documentation! It should cover at least the essentials. If you come across incorrect or outdated information: please let us know!


For any questions, problems, suggestions please contact our ticket system:

All Announcements will be sent via

We strongly recommend that all maxwell-users subscribe to the mailing list. Only user of the maxcpu partition are automatically added.


Acknowledgments and References

If you find the resource useful for your work, we would greatly appreciate to learn about publications, which have been substantially benefiting from the Maxwell-Cluster. Drop us a mail at Acknowledgement of the maxwell-resource would also be greatly appreciated. It'll help to foster the cluster, for example: "This research was supported in part through the Maxwell computational resources operated at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany"

Important licensing issues

Please make sure, to carefully read the licenses and terms of use whenever downloading or installing software or using external services.

Any usage restriction like "free for academic use" might or might not apply at DESY. Please get in touch with if in doubt.

Please have a look at the page on licensing issues (requires login).