Maxwell : Preemption

There are several partitions with preemption enabled. Preemption means, that a job running in a "preemptable" partition can be terminated by any job in a higher priority partition containing the same nodes. Terminated jobs will either be requeued - the job will go into the queue as if it was never running - or simply cancelled. The fate of preempted jobs depends on the configuration of the partition and flags used during job-submission. Please note: a job running in a reservation will never be preempted regardless of preemption-mode and partition.

The list of partitions gives an overview of available partitions and the corresponding preemption mode. Below is a table of partitions with preemption (manually generated; might be outdated!):

Partition with preemptionHigher priority partitionsLower priority permissionsPreemption modeexplained
allcpu, allgpuall other partitionsnonerequeuea job in a higher priority partition will terminate the job. terminated jobs will be requeued
cfelcfel-cdi, cfel-cmi, cfel-uxallcpu, allgpucanceltermination by jobs in cfel-cdi, cfel-cmi, cfel-ux. terminates jobs in allcpu, allgpu
exfel, upexexfel-*, upex-*allcpu. allgpurequeuetermination by jobs in any other upex or exfel partition. terminates jobs in allcpu, allgpu
xfel-guestxfel-sim, xfel-opallcpu, allgpucanceltermination by jobs in xfel-sim, xfel-op. terminates jobs in allcpu, allgpu
xfel-simxfel-opallcpu. allgpu, xfel-guestcanceltermination by jobs in xfel-op. terminates jobs in xfel-guest, allcpu, allgpu

For a detailed documentation visit schedmd's preemption reference.

Setting preemption mode

you can override the requeue-mode:

sbatch --no-requeue     # preempted jobs will be cancelled, not requeued
sbatch --requeue        # preempted jobs will be requeued, not cancelled