Maxwell : Maxwell for schools

Following the Getting Started section should get you settled.

Remote Access

To access the cluster remotely you can use one of these ways:

Please note: eduroam might not allow using port 3443 as it's a non-standard port. If you are connected with your local machine to eduroam and the is not reachable, please use ssh or the FastX client and configure it for an ssh-connection using max-display001, or 002, or 003. The sessions will persist as for the web-connection, but are not discoverable when using, so you need to remember which machine you were connected to.

Batch Jobs

school account usually only have access to the following partitions

  • maxcpu - the general purpose partition. Nodes are frequently all in use so expect some waiting time
  • maxgpu - the GPU partition contains  only about 20 state-of-the-art GPUs and is usually quite overbooked.
  • allcpu - the general purpose partition, containing more than 400 nodes. It's very well suited for short jobs. Long running jobs might be terminated any time by jobs with higher priority.
  • allgpu - like the all partition but with GPUs

To select a partition use for example sbatch --partition=allgpu ... or salloc --partition=maxcpu. To monitor jobs and partitions use sinfo and squeue. For more details please visit the Maxwell documentation.

In some cases nodes might be reserved for school purposes. To list reservations use 'scontrol show reservation'. If there is a reservation listing your school-account you can use the reservation:

scontrol show reservation
> ReservationName=hpc-school StartTime=2020-04-20T16:35:11 EndTime=2020-05-01T17:00:00 Duration=11-00:24:49
>   Nodes=max-wng003 NodeCnt=1 CoreCnt=32 Features=(null) PartitionName=all Flags=IGNORE_JOBS,SPEC_NODES
>   Users=school01, school02,...
# note the name of the reservation and partition:
sbatch --partition=<partitionName> --reservation=<reservationName> ...


There are a number of plain editors available for code development, like vim, emacs, nedit etc. For more advanced approaches there are also atom, code and JetBrains applications available.

For JetBrains pycharm, clion: module load maxwell jetbrains; pycharm

Please note: most environments are configured using modules. If the module-command is not found, source /etc/profile.d/


schools will usually use GNU compiler like gcc or gfortran. The standard compiler come in version 4.8.x. If that's not sufficient, there are a couple of alternatives. Most simple:

module load maxwell
module avail gcc      # show available gnu compiler, also containing gfortran
module load gcc/8.2   # initialize environment for gcc v8.2

# To discover all available versions for example of gfortran
xwhich gfortran       # list all it can find including the commands required to set the environment


there are various MPI implementations available on Maxwell, mpich, mvapich, openmpi, intel- and pgi-compiled openmpi and mvapich, and each in various versions. For most purposes standard openmpi is the simplest choice. Recommended:

module avail mpi                  # lists standard MPI variants

module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64    # your prime choice if you don't have special requirements
module load mpi/openmpi3-x86_64   # a newer version (version 2 is actually retired)

# The above versions might fail on modern hardware (Connect-X6 IB HCAs). If you see lots of errors referring to UCX: 
module load maxwell openmpi/3     # or 
module load maxwell openmpi/4

# to get a complete list:
module avail mpi                  # lists standard MPI variants
xwhich mpicc                      # lists (almost) all available variants

Disk Space

The home-directories on Maxwell have a hard limit of 20GB. That should be sufficient for all regular purposes. In case more space is needed use the command mk-beegfs. It will create a folder under /beegfs/desy/user/<school-account> with ample of space. Please note: both home and beegfs space will regularly cleaned up after the end of an event.

Instructors can use /beegfs/desy/group/school for (semi-)persistent deposition of materials. The folder is accessible for all school accounts.


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