Computing : NAF - National Analysis Facility
Created by Yves Kemp, last modified by Andreas Gellrich on Feb 21, 2019 09:56
- Set up in 2007 in the realm of the Helmholtz Alliance Physics at the Terascale
- Initially meant for users of German institutes participating in ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, ILC and CALICE
- Broadened the scope to BELLE and HERA experiments
- Set up in 2007 at DESY - Hamburg and Zeuthen site
- in 2013 started NAF 2.0 - a reimplementation
- in 2014 completed migration from NAF 1.0 to NAF 2.0
- ... but always speak as NAF when speaking about the project per se.
Technology in a nutshell
- A large batch facility
- Some interactive WGS in front of it - using username and password
- Access to all experiment data present at DESY (dCache)
- Access to fast cluster file systems
- Support from DESY and experiments groups