XDSAPP (Sparta et al., 2016) is a graphical user interface for the easy and convenient processing of diffraction data sets using XDS. It automates the data processing and generates graphical plots of various data set statistics provided by XDS and other programs. By incorporating additional software, further information on certain features of the dataset, such as radiation decay or the presence of pseudo-translational symmetry and/or twinning is provided. Intensity files suitable for CCP4, SHELX and CNS are automatically generated.

Using xdsapp

 To initialize the environment use the module command:

[elx]% xwhich xdsapp

 Provides by module(s)
   ... module load xray; which xdsapp: /opt/xray/xdsapp/xdsapp
   ... module load ccp4/7.0; which xdsapp: /opt/xray/xdsapp/xdsapp
   ... module load ccp4/6.5; which xdsapp: /opt/xray/xdsapp/xdsapp
   ... module load ccp4/6.4; which xdsapp: /opt/xray/xdsapp/xdsapp

 URL:           https://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/forschung/oe/np/gmx/xdsapp/
 Manual:        https://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/forschung/oe/np/gmx/xdsapp/
 License:       https://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/forschung/oe/np/gmx/xdsapp/download-registration_en.html

[elx]$ module load xray
[elx]$ which xdsapp