FabIO (FABle I/O) is a library to handle reading and writing of two-dimensional data. The code-base was initiated by merging parts of our fabian imageviewer and ImageD11 peak-search programs and has been developed since 2007 as part of the TotalCryst program suite for analysis of 3DXRD microscopy data. During integration into a range of scientific programs like the FABLE graphical interface, EDNA and the fast azimuthal integration library, pyFAI; FabIO has gained several features like handling multi-frame image formats as well as writing many of the file formats.


Using  pyfabio

pyfabio is integral part of several python environments:

# standard python 3.6
module purge
pip list | grep fabio
   fabio (0.9.0)

# conda/3.6
module purge
module load maxwell conda/3.6
conda list fabio
   fabio                     0.10.2           py36h68bb277_1    conda-forge

# conda/3.8
module purge
module load maxwell conda/3.8
conda list fabio
   fabio                     0.13.0           py38h6c62de6_0    conda-forge

# standard python 3.9
module load maxwell python/3.9
pip list | grep fabio
   fabio                         0.11.0

# installing it yourself in ~/.local
python3 -m pip install --user fabio

# installing it in your own (activated) conda environment
conda install -c conda-forge fabio