OASYS (OrAnge SYnchrotron Suite) is a graphical environment for optic simulation software used in synchrotron facilities, based on Orange 3.

Using  oasys

 To initialize the environment use the module command:

[max]% xwhich oasys
 Provided by module(s)
   ... module load maxwell oasys; which oasys: /software/oasys/bin/oasys
 Documentation: https://confluence.desy.de/display/IS/oasys
 URL:           https://github.com/oasys-kit/OASYS1
 Manual:        https://github.com/oasys-kit/OASYS1
 License:       GPL-3.0

Note: oasys is a graphical tool and will not work properly in an ssh-session. Use fastx and connect to max-display.desy.de (or https://max-display.desy.de:3389 ) or your groups display-server if available.