

License:  Genome Workbench is placed in the public domain, and is freely available for anyone to modify and redistribute, in either binary or source form. Details of the NCBI Public Domain License can be found here.

Path:  /opt/xray/gbench

Documentation: manuals, tutorials, videos on the gbench web

NCBI Genome Workbench is an integrated application for viewing and analyzing sequence data. With Genome Workbench, you can view data in publically available sequence databases at NCBI, and mix this data with your own private data.

Introductory screen shot

NCBI Genome Workbench can display sequence data in many ways, including graphical sequence views, various alignment views, phylogenetic tree views, and tabular views of data. It can also align your private data to data in public databases, display your data in the context of public data, and retrieve BLAST results.

Genome Workbench is built on the NCBI C++ ToolKit and uses cross-platform APIs for graphics. It runs on your local machine, and is available for Windows 2000/XP, Linux, MacOS X, and various flavors of Unix. 

Using  gbench

Use modules to set the PATH for gbench and the NCBI tools:

module avail gbench
# ----- /etc/modulefiles ------
# gbench/2.10.0 gbench/3.7.1

module load gbench