

License: Open Source (Eclipse Public License - v 1.0)

Code: java, python

Path:  /opt/xray/dawn-<version>  (or  /opt/xray/dawn for the current version)

Citation: Basham, M., Filik, J., Wharmby, M.T., Chang, P.C.Y., El Kassaby, B., Gerring, M., Aishima, J., Levik, K., Pulford, B.C.A., Sikharulidze, I. et al. (2015). J. Synchrotron Rad. 22, doi:10.1107/S1600577515002283

Data Analysis WorkbeNch (DAWN) is an eclipse based workbench for doing scientific data analysis. It implements sophisticated support for :

  1. Visualization of data in 1D, 2D and 3D
  2. Python script development, debugging and execution
  3. Processing and Workflows for visual algorithms analyzing scientific data

DAWN is not restricted to one scientific domain. It is developed by and for the synchrotron community foremost but has strong overlap with other communities like neutron scattering, photon science and any scientific communities with the above or similar needs.

Using dawn

DAWN comes - if available - comes a component of the xray package. To initialise the environment use the module command:

[elx]% module avail
[elx]% module load xray              # load the current version. 
[elx]% which dawn

Loading the xray package is equivalent to loading the current ccp4 module. To invoke a specific dawn version simply use the versioned PATH:

[elx]% /opt/xray/dawn-1.7.1/dawn  # start version 1.7.1
[elx]% /opt/xray/dawn-1.8.0/dawn  # start version 1.8.0
[elx]% /opt/xray/dawn/dawn        # start current version

Version 1.7.1 has been patched to show the workspace selection dialog at startup. For version 1.8.x this seems not possible anymore, use the -data option instead:

[elx]% /opt/xray/dawn-1.8.0/dawn -data /scratch/$USER/dawn_workspace   # start version 1.8.0 with a different workspace location
[elx]% /opt/xray/dawn/dawn                                             # would create a workspace as $HOME/workspace

Known problems

  • DAWN will not work in connection with the FastX2 client! DAWN will almost instantly crash a FastX2 session. As a workaround use the browser-based session at (or FastX server of your choice).

Installing dawn

The installation of DAWN is very simple, in case a local or customized installation is required.

  • fetch the current version from
  • unpack the tar/zip archive in an arbitrary location
  • rename the toplevel-folder to something convenient
  • start dawn as <installation-dir/dawn


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