

License:  BSD-2

Path:  /software/condor/


Citation: HaHantke, M. F., Ekeberg, T. & Maia, F. R. N. C., Condor: a simulation tool for flash X-ray imaging. J. Appl. Cryst. (2016). 49, 1356-1362.

Description: condor is a simulation tool for flash X-ray imaging

Condor, an open-source simulation tool to predict X-ray far-field scattering amplitudes of isolated particles for customized experimental designs and samples, which the user defines by an atomic or a refractive index model. The software enables researchers to test whether their envisaged imaging experiment is feasible, and to optimize critical parameters for reaching the best possible result.

Using  condor

the condor installation comes in three flavors:

[max]% module load maxwell condor/serial # no cuda or mpi support
[max]% module load maxwell condor/mpi    # with mpi (plain openmpi) support
[max]% module load maxwell condor/cuda   # with cuda and mpi support

[max]% module load condor                # load the serial versions, identical to condor/serial