
Source (requires registration)

License: free of charge after initial registration and login.

Path:  /opt/xray/bin/albula

Documentation: use the link to the documentation from within the application

ALBULA is the dedicated software of DECTRIS to display and analyse PILATUS and EIGER data. It consists of the standalone program ALBULA VIEWER and the Python programming interface ALBULA API. 

ALBULA VIEWER is a fast and easy-to-use program that allows optimal visualization of PILATUS and EIGER data. The ALBULA API provides a Python interface for both displaying of images and performing operations and calculations on data. Furthermore, the API enables you to easily integrate the viewer functionality into your beamline infrastructure or experimental setup.

Using albula

albula can started with the full path as /opt/xray/bin/albula and does not require any environment setup. Alternatively use the module command

[elx]% module avail
[elx]% module load xray              # load environment for ccp4, xds and several other packages. Adds /opt/xray/bin to your PATH
[elx]% which albula_3.1
[elx]% /opt/xray/bin/albula_3.1      # of course works also without loading the xray module 
[elx]% /opt/xray/bin/albula          # always invokes v1.8, see below

To use python bindings for albula 3, expand the PYTHONPATH

[el7]% export PYTHONPATH=/opt/xray/dectris/dectris/albula/3.0/python:$PYTHONPATH
[el7]% python
Python 2.7.5 (default, Jun 17 2014, 18:11:42) 
[GCC 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-16)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import dectris.albula

Please note: starting with albula v2, albula requires a GPU on the machine running the software. Remote execution on the HPC platform will hence only work on GPU equipped nodes. Therefore albula v1.8 has been chosen as the default version.