

License: GPL v3

Path: /software/abinit/


Build script: /software/abinit/00BUILD

Sample job script: /software/abinit/

ABINIT is a DFT code based on pseudopotentials and a planewave basis, which calculates the total energy, charge density and electronic structure for molecules and periodic solids. In addition to many other features, it provides the time dependent DFT, or many-body perturbation theory (GW approximation) to compute the excited states.

Using  abinit

 To initialize the environment use the module command or invoke directly from path:

module load maxwell
module avail abinit
#  ------ /software/etc/modulefiles -----
#  abinit/9.4.2

module load abinit
#  Module for:  abinit: 
#  Url.......:
#               compiled with gcc/9.3 openmpi/4.0.4 hdf5/1.10.6(parallel)

which abinit
#  /software/abinit/9.4.2/bin/abinit