The job submission script
A sample submission script could look like this:
In detail
The first part of the submission script just sets the environment. Please note that the "base job" allocates only a single node!
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --time=0-01:00:00 # you need just a single node, kind of a master which orchestrates the jobs #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --partition=upex #SBATCH --job-name=swift-split #SBATCH --dependency=singleton # I've chosen a name which reflects the number of nodes (58) to use #SBATCH --output=swift-split-58.out #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1 # that's just to ensure that all jobs run on identical nodes for benchmarking #SBATCH --constraint=Gold-6240 # the basic setup export LD_PRELOAD="" source /etc/profile.d/ module load maxwell swift
The rest is the preparation of the input file, and running the actual workflow:
preparation & environment
# it's easier to embed individual tasks into small scripts, and it's easier to have those in the PATH basedir=/beegfs/desy/user/schluenz/Crystfel.Swift export PATH=$basedir:$PATH # pass constraints and limits to slurm. It's also possible to declare those in the site config: export SBATCH_CONSTRAINT=Gold-6240 export SBATCH_TIMELIMIT=02:00:00 # use 58 nodes, so split the list of images into 58 roughly equal parts numnodes=58 mkdir -p $basedir/procdir # collect a list of images and count them ls -1 /beegfs/desy/group/it/ReferenceData/cxidb/ID-21/cxidb-21-run01[34]*/data1/LCLS*.h5 > $basedir/procdir/ num_images=$(ls -1 /beegfs/desy/group/it/ReferenceData/cxidb/ID-21/cxidb-21-run01[34]*/data1/LCLS*.h5 | wc -l) # split the files splitlines=$(( $(cat $basedir/procdir/ | wc -l) / $numnodes )) /usr/bin/split -l $splitlines -d $basedir/procdir/ $basedir/procdir/xxx # run the workflow swift -sites upex -config maxwell.conf indexamajig.swift -nsplit=$numnodes
the workflow
type file; # this generates just a list of images for each of the 58 parts and puts them into new set of files. There are simpler ways of doing that... # splitter is the name of the scriplet. Note: you can't have '.' in your filename! app (file o) split (int i, int nsplit) { splitter i nsplit stdout=filename(o); } # actually run indexamajig. app (file o) indexamajig (int i) { indexamajigwrap i stdout=filename(o); } # collect information about number of peaks per image app (file o) peak_count (file infile) { peak_count filename(infile) stdout=filename(o); } # ... and create a plot for peak counts app (file o, file image) plot_peaks (file infile) { plot_peaks filename(infile) filename(image) stdout=filename(o); } # ... and cell dimension app (file o, file image) plot_cell (file infile) { plot_cell filename(infile) filename(image) stdout=filename(o); } # merge all peak information into a single file app (file o) merge_peaks (file s[]) { cat filenames(s) stdout=filename(o); } # if nsplit is not declared on the command line default to 16 nodes int nsplit = toInt(arg("nsplit","16")); file image_list[]; file peaks[]; foreach i in [0:nsplit-1] { file splitout <single_file_mapper; file=strcat("output/split_",i,".out")>; file indexamajigout <single_file_mapper; file=strcat("output/indexamajig_",i,".out")>; file peak_countout <single_file_mapper; file=strcat("output/peak_count_",i,".out")>; # create the lists of images splitout = split(i, nsplit); image_list[i] = splitout; # process all sets of images. Though it looks serial it's actually done in parallel indexamajigout = indexamajig(i); # get number of peaks from indexamajib processing. With indexamajigout being the output of indexamajig and input for peak_counting, swift will schedule the job only when indexamajig is done. peak_countout = peak_count(indexamajigout); peaks[i] = peak_countout; } # combine the peak counting stats into a single file file all_peaks <single_file_mapper; file=strcat("output/peaks.out")>; all_peaks = merge_peaks(peaks); # create two plots. again that's actually processed in parallel. file cimage <"/beegfs/desy/user/schluenz/Crystfel.Swift/output/cells.png">; file pimage <"/beegfs/desy/user/schluenz/Crystfel.Swift/output/peaks.png">; file pp <single_file_mapper; file=strcat("output/pp.out")>; file pc <single_file_mapper; file=strcat("output/pc.out")>; (pc,cimage)=plot_cell(all_peaks); (pp,pimage)=plot_peaks(all_peaks);
cells.png (image/png)
peaks.png (image/png)
nextflow-split-load.png (image/png)
nextflow-2.png (image/png)
nextflow-1.png (image/png)
nextflow.png (image/png)
nextflow (application/gliffy+json)
swift.cells.png (image/png)
swift.peaks.png (image/png)
nextflow-swift.png (image/png)
nextflow-swift.png (image/png)
peaks.png (image/png)
nextflow-split-load.png (image/png)
nextflow-2.png (image/png)
nextflow-1.png (image/png)
nextflow.png (image/png)
nextflow (application/gliffy+json)
swift.cells.png (image/png)
swift.peaks.png (image/png)
nextflow-swift.png (image/png)
nextflow-swift.png (image/png)