you actually don't have to use max-jhub to execute a jupyter notebook, it's possible to execute the notebook in batch.
A sample batch script could look like this:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --partition=maxcpu unset LD_PRELOAD if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then echo "Usage: batch_notebook <path to input notebook> <path to output notebook> <kernel>" exit 1 fi OUT=$2 export INPUT_NB=$1 export OUTPUT_DIR=$(dirname $OUT) export OUTPUT_NB=$OUT export kernel=$3 if [[ ! -e "$INPUT_NB" ]]; then echo "Input notebook doesn't exist: $INPUT_NB" exit 1 fi source /etc/profile.d/ module load maxwell conda mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR python3
A very primitive python code to execute the notebook (I was too lazy for argparse):
import nbformat import os input_nb=os.getenv('INPUT_NB') output_nb=os.getenv('OUTPUT_NB') output_dir=os.getenv('OUTPUT_DIR') kernel=os.getenv('kernel') from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor nb =, as_version=4) ep = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=600, kernel_name=kernel) try: out = ep.preprocess(nb, {'metadata': {'path': output_dir}}) except CellExecutionError: msg = 'Error executing the notebook "%s".\n\n' % input_nb msg += 'See notebook "%s" for the traceback.' % output_nb print(msg) raise finally: nbformat.write(nb, open(output_nb, mode='wt')) msg = '\nOutput notebook created as %s \n\n' %output_nb print(msg)
and run it interactively in batch, for example
srun ./ ~/full-example.ipynb ~/notebooks/test_1.ipynb python3 \ && jupyter notebook --config=~/.jupyter/ ~/notebooks/test_1.ipynb # remarks: # srun execute the script as a batch-job # ~/full-example.ipynb the input notebook # ~/notebooks/test_1.ipynb the output notebook # python3 the kernel to execute the notebook # && jupyter notebook launch a local notebook server if the previous was successful, and that will open it in a browser # --config= a standalone jupyter config # ~/notebooks/test_1.ipynb the freshly generated notebook output # # to run in real batch: sbatch ./ ~/full-example.ipynb ~/notebooks/test_1.ipynb python3
Description how to create a standalone config: Standalone jupyter-notebooks
screenshots of input and output notebooks:
advanced options allows to pass parameters to a notebook, which would allow to run notebooks over a set of parameters. Haven't tried it though, but have a look at for a sample.
credits go to!