Maud (Materials Analysis Using Diffraction) is a Rietveld extended program to perform the combined analysis. It can be used to fit diffraction, fluorescence and reflectivity data using X-ray, neutron, TOF or electrons.


Using  Maud

Maud expects to write some files into its installation directory, a central installation is therefore not possible. To install Maud into your HOME-directory simply invoke the Maud wrapper:

# or 
module load xray

The wrapper will extract the application in $HOME/Maud and - if Maud is being used for the first time. Afterwards you can  either run Maud as outlined above or as $HOME/Maud/

The wrapper looks like this:

# the wrapper checks for the existence of
# if it exists it will simply launch $HOME/Maud/
# if it doesn't exist it will first install Maud into your home-dir
# to update Maud just (re)move ~/Maud
if [[ ! -f $HOME/Maud/ ]]; then
  pushd $HOME > /dev/null
  tar xf /opt/xray/Maud/Maud.tar.gz > /dev/null 2>&1
  popd > /dev/null
# run Maud