Maxwell : Jupyterlab with Visual Code

Step 1: Get a JupyterHub access token

  1. Connect to

  2. Go to "Token" Submenu in the frst row
  3. Request a new API Token, choose a good name for the token, and save the token. You should treat this like a password.
  4. Launch Jupyterlab/Hub Session
  5. Start VS Code
  6. Choose View → Command Palette

  7. Select ‘Jupyter: Specify Jupyter server for connections’
  8. Enter the URL in the following format<USER>/?token=<TOKEN>
    USER := Your login user id
    TOKEN := The token you get in 3.
    1. Start a new Notebook on the remote Jupyterhub
      1. Choose View → Command Palette
      2. Select Create: New Jupyter Notebook
      3. Choose kernel in the upper right corner

    2. Load a Notebook from your local folder
  9. Load and Save
    1. Notebooks are always on your Laptop/PC
    2. If you open a file to read or write in your script it is always on the remote server