
ImageD11 is for identifying individual grains in spotty area detector diffraction images. It finds the spots and helps you to try to index them.After you index the spots you can then work on extracting useful information on a grain by grain basis. ImageD11 is intended to be complementary to the rest of the FABLE software. ImageD11 has a strong focus on fast preliminary data analysis which can be carried out during experiments in order to make decisions about the experimental setup etc.

Using  ImageD11

ImageD11 is actually a conda environment (which also includes hexrd), so you could add /software/ImageD11/1.9.8 (or possible other versions) to ~/.conda/environments.txt or use the module

[max]% module load maxwell ImageD11

[max]% ImageD11_gui

# hexrd and ImageD11 can both be used in the same python code
[max]% python -c 'import hexrd;import ImageD11'