HPC Computing Seminar
We aim to run hands-on tutorials on HPC computing in regular intervals. Tutorials are advertised on Maxwell (and few other) mailing lists. All tutorials and materials can be found on HPC computing indico page:
- HPC Seminar - Introduction to High Performance Computing
- HPC Seminar - Using Maxwell
- HPC Seminar - Parallelization on a single node - Part 1
- HPC Seminar - Parallelization on a single node - Part 2
- HPC Seminar - Parallelization on mulitple nodes - Part 1
- HPC Seminar - Parallelization on mulitple nodes - Part 2
- HPC Seminar - Python on Maxwell
- HPC Seminar -Parallelisation with Python on a single node
- HPC Seminar -Parallelisation with Python on multiple nodes
- HPC Seminar - debugging and performance analysis of a parallel program
Machine Learning seminars
Starting with GPU computing and Machine Learning workshop a series of seminars on Machine Learning has been initiated. The seminars are taking place every last Monday at 16:00. The complete list of seminar and all materials can be found on the Machine Learning indico page:
- Infrastructure for GPU computing an Deep Learning
- Gentle Introduction to Deep Learning
- Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
- Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks
Maxwell Users Meetings
Roughly once a year a maxwell users meeting is taking place to inform about latest changes and future plans for the HPC resources at DESY/Hamburg:
Other Meetings and Events
- Photon Science Users meeting: an introduction to HPC computing for photon science at DESY
- Deep Learning in Natural Sciences: https://indico.cern.ch/event/765224/overview