P02.1 - Public : Information for Users which require gases

DESY is providing different types of gases for Users. These gases have to be ordered well in advance, so that they are present once you arrive at the beamline for your experiment.

Please check below what you have to consider if you need different types of gases.

Liquid gases:

Liquid gases like N2 or He can be ordered via the Technical Assessment Form. Since this form is send by you to the beamline 6 weeks prior to your beamtime, this is sufficient time for ordering gases.

Please keep in mind that the following devices require liquid gases:

Cryostreamer - 1 bottle with 100 Ltr. of liquid N2 per day of usage

Gas bottles:

All gases in bottles have to be ordered 14 weeks prior to your arrival! Please send an e-mail to your local contact (or if not known, contact the P02.1 beamline manager) , so that the gases can be ordered well in time.

Standard gases which can be ordered and used at the P02.1 beamline:

  • Helium
  • Oxygen
  • Nitrogen
  • Argon
  • Neon
  • Krypton
  • Xenon
  • Hydrogen
  • CO2
  • CO
  • NH3
  • Or mixtures of the above mentioned gases

If you require other gases, please contact the beamline staff.