Grid : Migration Condor CE 4 --> 5 / Condor 8 --> 9

GSI Mapping

HTCondor CE 5 uses instead of a single mapping rule file, a directory `/etc/condor-ce/mapfiles.d/` for the various mapping options (Grid/GSI DN, SciTokens) (`/etc/condor-ce/condor_mapfile` is still used to refer to the directories)

When using instead of LCMAPS (for dynamic pool accounts) regex matching rules to map mroe statically proxy DNs to local users, in the default configuration file `/etc/condor-ce/mapfiles.d/50-gsi-callout.conf` the catch-all regex line to the GSS_ASSIST_GRIDMAP helper has to be commented out. Else it might match on every DN and suppress any following explicit rule.

Mapping rules might need an update as with CondorCE 5 and the enclosing characters for the regex to be changed from " to perl-flavoured /, e.g.

GSI    ".*,\/foo\/Role=NULL\/Capability=NULL"    foousr001


GSI    /.*,\/foo\/Role=NULL\/Capability=NULL/    foousr001