Grid : CVMFS Repository/Stratum Metadata

CVMFS supports meta-data information on a stratum repository levels. See an overview and documentation under

For example, for the hdf-cvmfs stratum 0 hosting the and repositories the (added) release server infos and the list of hosted repos

It is in principle possible to query also a repository metadata JSON via HTTP, if one knows the the JSON's commit/hash (marked with a trailing capital M)

curl | cvmfs_swissknife zpipe -d  #github

e.g., to search for the JSONs locally on the storage

  [root@hdf-cvmfs] find /storage/cvmfs/ -name "*M"

optional: check also the other repo special files (the M${hash} variable should probably the the signed hash of the metadata JSON - no idea, if one can deduce the zipped JSON file from there...)

  cat /storage/cvmfs/

Release Node/Stratum-0 Metadata

To add the basic metadata on a fresh spawned stratum0/release node, run as root

  cvmfs_server update-info

and update the default JSON (the command seems not to read from a file - should only be necessary once on a new stratum-0, so we skip puppetifying it)

"administrator" : "Grid@DESY",
"email" : "",
"organisation" : "DESY",
"custom" : {
"default" : "none"

Repository Metadata

The cvmfs_stratum0 puppet module writes on a release node for each locally configured repository a JSON file to

  [stratum-0] /etc/cvmfs/metadata/REPONAME.json


"administrator" : "Grid@DESY DEBUG",
"email" : "",
"organisation" : "HDF/DESY",
"description" : "Demonstrator Repository for the Helmholtz Data Federation",
"url" : "",
"recommended-stratum0" : "",
"recommended-stratum1s" : [ "" ],
"custom" : {
"Puppet" : {
"hiera" : "cvmfsstratum::meta::repo::hash",
"module" : "module-cvmfs_stratum0",
"template" : "module-cvmfs_stratum0/templates/etc/cvmfs/metadata/repo.json.erb"

if necessary, overwrite in Hiera the defaults with like

        'administrator' : 'Grid@DESY DEBUG'

set the repository infos on the Stratum-0 with

  cvmfs_server update-repoinfo -f /etc/cvmfs/metadata/REPONAME.json

(the update-repoinfo can read from file, so that we can probably puppetify it later on with an exec, if chanegs become frequent - probably not)

Adding a Repository to the global CVMFS Monitoring

Fork on Github the CVMFS monitoring (git) repository into your own account →

   git clone

or (via HTTP)
     git clone

in the repo ensure, that you add the original repo as upstream and get the recent changes from there, so that you don't diverge
     git remote add upstream
     git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

add/commit the same CVMFS repo JSONs to your fork, push the changes as a new branch to github and then place a merge request on the original monitor-repos repository to merge your new branch into their master

  scp stratum0:/etc/cvmfs/metadata/REPONAME.json  git/MONITOR-REPOS.FORK/repos/
  git add repos/REPONAME.json
  git commit -a -m "added shiny metadata JSON for repo REPONAME"
  git push origin master:NEWPULLREQUESTBRANCH
  # open pull request on from your fork:BRANCH