Maxwell : Vanilla Python

we maintain installations of recent python versions on Maxwell. The installations reside in /software/python/<version> and can be configured using the module command:

module load maxwell
module avail python
--------------------------- /software/etc/modulefiles --------------------------------
python/3.10 python/3.6  python/3.7  python/3.9

# python/3.6 actually is system python 3.6!

module load maxwell python/3.10
python --version
   Python 2.7.5  # !

python3 --version
   Python 3.10.5

A list of pre-installed packages can be found under Python modules on Maxwell. The packages were all installed using pip, and pip installations can quickly become inconsistent. So we usually try to avoid updates of the initial installation. If you have specific requirements and to avoid inconsistent package versions, you might want use virtual environment. Alternatively use mamba/conda which aims to keep package installations consistent.

Virtual environments

there are several python packages to manage virtual environments like venv, pyenv, pyenv-virtualenv. venv is very likely completely sufficient:

# create environment
python3 -m venv /beegfs/desy/user/$USER/pyenvs/py39/tensorflow
export PATH=/beegfs/desy/user/$USER/pyenvs/py39/tensorflow/bin:$PATH

# activate environment
. activate

which python3

python3 -m pip install tensorflow tensorboard matplotlib  

# during the installation pip will download packages and store them in ~/.cache/pip. You can safely remove caches after installation
rm -rf ~/.cache/pip/

# the size of the installation in beegfs is about 1.5G