It is possible to post content, for example updating an existing page, in a scripted fashion. A simple recipe could look like this:
# to upload to confluence you need a cookie. In batch-jobs you need to generate the cookie beforehand # first check if an existing cookie is still valid. For example cookie=$HOME/.ssh/confluence.cookie test=0 if [[ -f $cookie ]]; then test=$( curl -b $cookie --silent "<some-page-requiring-login>" | wc -l ) fi # if no or no valid cookie exists get a new one. Requires password. if [[ $test -lt 20 ]]; then curl -u $USER -c $cookie "" -s --output /dev/null fi # define the page you'd like to update & fetch the meta-data for it. It'll be json Title="Maxwell%20Hardware" spaceKey="IS" URL="${Title}&spaceKey=${spaceKey}" URLmeta=$(curl -s -b $cookie -X GET "${URL}&expand=version") # extract version and API id version=$(echo $URLmeta | python -mjson.tool | jq '.results[].version.number') pageID=$(echo $URLmeta | python -mjson.tool | jq '.results[].id' | tr -d '"' ) new=$(($version + 1)) # compose the new page. lets assume you compose the new content into a temporary file, but a string would do as well of course: cat <<EOF>upload.tmp {"id":"${pageID}","type":"page", "title":"${Title}","space":{"key":"$spaceKey"},"body":{"storage":{"value":" EOF cat <your-new-page-content> >> upload.tmp cat <<EOF>>upload.tmp ","representation":"storage"}}, "version":{"number":${new}}} EOF cat upload.tmp | tr -d '\n' > upload.tmp3 # update the page: curl -s -b $cookie -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d @upload.tmp3 "${pageID}" | python -mjson.tool rm -f upload.tmp*