Computing : Software on the NAF

There are several ways for software installations:

  • Local installation (vulgo RPMs) : We only install from standard repositories, including e.g. EPEL. We only install versions matching the base OS. If you miss a package: Drop an email to . Usually, we can install the package within a couple of hours.
  • software collections: This is an extension of RPMs, enabling diverging versions of the same RPM.
    Enter scl -l for a list of software collections enabled.
    To get a shell with a more modern gcc compiler, enter e.g. scl enable devtoolset-3 bash 
    Since tools and versions are added constantly by the developers, please email to if you miss something. Chances are good that we install software collection software
  • Software provisioning via module: (Installations provided by DESY IT)
    Enter module avail to get a list of which software we deploy using a shared filesystem
    If you have found the software, activate using module load package/version
    Software not available elsewhere, but of vital interest for a larger number of DESY users might be added, at the discretion of DESY IT.
  • External software repository: CVMFS
    One important source for software is CVMFS. Especially HEP software can be found. Please consult with your experiment group, as support for the content of these external repositories is out of the scope of the IT department.
    The software package ROOT e.g. can be found in /cvmfs/
  • Users can install their own software. This is done preferentially in network file systems, so that the software is available on all nodes. Software delivered  with autotools or CMAKE  can be adapted using documentation provided in Local Software installation.