Intel® Compilers help create C, C++ and Fortran applications that can take full advantage of the advanced hardware capabilities available in Intel® processors and co-processors. They also simplify that development by providing high level parallel models and built-in features like explicit vectorization and optimization reports.
- Source:
- License: commercial
- Code: Fortran, C/C++
- Path: /opt/intel/<year>
- Platforms: Linux (no licenses for other platforms)
- Licensing: concurrent.
- License server: only accessible from within the DESY network
- Downloads: @DESY or /afs/
- Downloads @INTEL (admins only)
Using intel compilers
Some intel compile commands are available as versioned scripts in /usr/local/bin. Compilers can be invoked as (depending on available versions)
[elx]% /usr/local/bin/icc2011 [elx]% /usr/local/bin/ifort2015
To use unversioned commands, a minimal environment for Intel Compilers can be initialized with the module comand:
[elx]% module avail [elx]% module load intel # load the current version [elx]% module load intel/2013 # load a specific version
The minimal setup is sufficient to compile application using the Intel Compilers. However, to be able to use Intels Math Kernel Libraries (MKL) or Threading Building Blocks (TBB) a full setup of the environment is required:
[elx]% source /usr/local/bin/ intel64 # setup intel v2015 (v15.x.y) for bash/zsh/ksh; use ia32 instead of intel64 for 32-bit environment [elx]% source /usr/local/bin/intel-setup-2015.csh intel64 # setup intel v2015 (v15.x.y) for csh/tcsh [elx]% which ifort /opt/intel/2015/composer_xe_2015.2.164/bin/intel64/ifort [elx]% ifort --version ifort (IFORT) 15.0.2 20150121 Copyright (C) 1985-2015 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Installing Intel compilers
Installer for intel compilers are available from the download folder or /afs/