Start/Stop a Commissioning Run
The Start/Stop-script can only be executed by the beamline-staff groups, e.g. p11staff, FS-EC and IT
- the tag can only be a maximum of 8 characters long
- commissioning runs are limited to a 1TiB hard quota
Start a Commissioning Run
ssh []$ startCommissioning --tag <tag> --beamline <beamline>
example for commissioning run with e.g. PCO Edge on beamline P11
startCommissioning --tag PCO_test --beamline P11
Stop a Commissioning Run
ssh []$ stopCommissioning --tag <tag> --beamline <beamline>
example for commissioning run with e.g. PCO Edge on beamline P11
stopCommissioning --tag PCO_test --beamline P11
The directory 'commissioning' will be un-linked and thus the data will cease to be visible on the beamline file-system.
The data created during this commissioning run remains visible in the core file-system.