# Infos from your job: Output = $(Cluster).$(Process).4test.out.txt # Contains only last error: Error = 4test.err.txt # Infos from the scheduler: Log = 4test.log # Default Universe for normal jobs Universe = vanilla # Test example, take your script: Executable = /bin/env # Until now we use shared file system: Should_Transfer_Files = NO # Defaults to submit dir: #InitialDir = /afs/desy.de/user/... InitialDir = $ENV(HOME) # Test it: #Arguments = "sleep 600" # Mailing requests: #notification = $<$Always | Complete | Error | Never$>$ # Your mail address: #notify_user = $<$email-address$>$ # As you need (see notify...) Notification = Always # Defaults to 1 day: #+RequestRuntime = 3600 * 3 # Defaults to 3G #RequestDisk = 2048 * 3 # Defaults to 1500M: RequestMemory = 1024 * 2 # Defaults to 1: #RequestCpus = 3 # Normally set by submit host: #+MyProject = "MyProject" # Default: #Requirements = OpSysAndVer=="SL6" # Default is 1 job per submit # Job Id is $(Cluster).$(Process) e.g. 20202.0 Queue 1